What We Do
Our Process
Why complicate a simple process?
You have an idea of what you want, we listen, we understand, then produce and deliver, as agreed.
We help a diverse pool of clients express their ideas – often born out of the simplest of starts …
a sketch, a few words, a chat, an email.
We suggest popping into our office (when in the area) for a coffee and an introduction meeting.
We run through our work and processes ... and we quickly establish if a rapport exists.
All being well, we set out required representation thereafter and hit the ground running upon instruction!
An atypical project timeline we set out below.
Initial Consultation & Brief Development
The initial stage of any potential commission includes a meeting to run through aspirations with the client (usually on site), followed by a circulated action plan of deliverables, required parties and associative fees
for consideration.
We give all client's the required time to digest the information and field any further questions.
We promote a no rush policy!
During the initial consultation, we gain a deep understanding of the project requirements and aspirations.
We listen attentively to ideas, preferences, and budget considerations. Through detailed discussions and collaborative brainstorming sessions thereafter, we then work closely with the client to establish a clear vision for their project ... a defined project brief.
Our experienced architects and designers take into account factors such as site conditions, local regulations, and sustainability goals.
By the end of this phase, we develop a comprehensive action plan that captures the client's vision and aligns with their goals.
Parallel, we conclude full appointment particulars.

Appointments & Concept Development
Once our full appointment particulars are agreed and instructed, we immediately begin our preliminary works.
Our feasibility works are typically inclusive of varying intervention options for appraisal, denoted
as bronze, silver & gold. We promote this delivery route to (a) afford the end client a range of options to review; (b) spark debate and; (c) clearly communicate differentials within a given scheme (high, mid
and low priority items).
Each design option, a varying proposal, is incrementally a larger level of intervention, with a higher cost
sum and complexity level for consideration. Associative commentary accompanies each design option (bronze, sliver & gold), identifying pertinent opportunities and constraints.
The options formulated; Bronze (minor option), Silver (medium option) and Gold (major option) also contain layout schematic variations for review; all aligned to the client's project aspirations (differences in returns, scale and aspiration). The noted ideas put forward all achieve identified project goals whilst testing the scheme boundaries, presenting alternate ideas for consideration, and ... provide 'food for thought'.
Many of our clients return their feedback thereafter, selecting a favoured design option/ direction to develop: often identifying elements of works from the circulated options that have caught their eye/ to merge/ to test further moving forward ... ''the silver option is what we are looking for ... we do however favour the gold option with regards to the kitchen layout'', for example.
All our works are developed in BIM technologies affording clients and wider stakeholders (neighbours, planners, local groups, amongst others) a clear understanding of a given proposal from the outset.
We believe this process (defined visual representation) affords any observers a clarity with regards to the mooted massing, form, light quality, proposed materiality etc. We utilise our in-house bespoke technologies
to afford ease for all user inputs and open debate as to whether the 'vision' meets the aspirations of a developed brief.
Each 3D developed proposal also allows for cost appraisals and design team development from the beginning. Improving work flows and return delivery times. Time savings = Cost savings.

Favoured Scheme Development & Design Freeze
Once the feasibility phase is concluded, our team mobilise the design development stage of works -
refining the identified favoured design option.
Our team evolve the chosen design option for formal client sign off. We submit any associative/
required applications to suit. This stage of works highlights pertinent project particulars and elements
of the design such as favoured materiality, light quality and desired aesthetics.
On all our projects, a dedicated Pinterest board is set up for client and designer review and input
(identifying likes, dislikes and refining favoured elements). An ideas factory for a given project!
All our projects progressed with BIM technologies, allows for accurate 3D visual representation, initial
cost analysis and early stage engagement with wider consultants (such as Structural Engineers,
Approved Inspector, MEP consultants etc).
Our works communicate the envisaged returns to all stakeholders (client, planning officers, wider consultants, prospective contractors, amongst others). Our approach ensures our projects retain an impressive approval quota.
Once associative applications are filed, our focus moves onto wider project considerations such as interior design elements, specialist elements of works (sustainability, bespoke items) and/ or technical matters.

Applications & Consents
Brass Architecture have a good relationship with the majority of Local Planning Authorities and ensure each project submission is thorough and comprehensive; inclusive of 3D visualisation of each scheme to allow all stakeholders to truly understand the objectives of a given scheme. We have a pet hate for loose, minimal applications that often results in understandable confusion, lack of understanding and/ or a litany of queries to verify matters. Cost cutting (providing minimal documentation) at this key project juncture often leads to elongated time frames and risk of refusal. Our mantra being, if you are going to do something - do it well.
The quality of our submission material has been highlighted by LPA officers and wider stakeholders - confirming to us that our approach and execution works!
''I would also like to commend the quality of your drawings, I have to admit that the visuals are some of the best I have seen and will certainly make my assessment a lot easier and quicker''.
Case Officer
Haringey LPA
We monitor all active applications from submission to determination, ensuring all queries are addressed.
We engage with appointed officials (case officers) at various junctures to aid/ ensure ease of process.
Any requests for amendments are discussed with the client and appraised accordingly.
We then confirm if we wish to concede and amend accordingly or rebuff a given request (if favoured).
Many see this critical stage of works as simply submitting, pandering to requests from officers and receiving
a permission/ approval. Our approach ensures all aspects of a design are tested and 'the best solution' is put forward with associative analysis ensuring officers truly understand the rationale and logic behind all facets of a given design.

Technical Design Phase
Typically, once planning (and other required applications) are concluded and approved, the team are instructed to progress works befitting of on-site construction.
This involves the important development of technical literature; including thorough detailing and associative specifications. Coined as the technical phase of works. The formulated work allows interested contractors
to review the scheme and put forward their interest in taking on the project and highlight ideas on timelines, costs and delivery matters.
The Architect, Structural Engineer and MEP consultant's technical information is consolidated alongside
wider information matters such as Party Wall Information, Building Regulation Details and-the-like.
This gives a prospective contractor/ builder a full understanding of intent and desired returns.
The noted technical works 'fully wrap up' all aspects of a given design; including interior design matters, building regulation particulars and wider considerations such as planning condition discharge matters.
There are many contract types and delivery mechanisms for a given project. Our team is on hand to
assist and advise on best applicable next steps.
Our technicians are well versed at delivering technical designs of all types, utilising an inventive eye to
marry specifications with the aesthetic intent developed by the lead designer/s.

'Tendering' the Project
The completion of technical design works allows our team to circulate a dedicated project tender pack for
a given scheme. This information is a detailed 'project pack' for prospective contractors to appraise.
The tender pack is issued to vetted contractors; allowing them to declare an interest in the works and agree
a timeline to return their quotations for the project. The tender returns includes proposed team, methodology, project cost sum and considerations for the design team and client.
Brass Architecture assist any client during these important negotiations ensuring the desired returns are
met, balanced with commercial appraisals, programme matters and wider considerations.
Many contractors will issue alternative delivery paths and specifications to suit their supply chain, skill set and/ or methodology. This is normal. Many clients we have met over the years are spooked by such proposals, concluding ''they are changing the design''. Our role is to ensure the agreed balance of
variations is palatable to suit stated cost plan, timelines and desired aesthetic returns.
The aim of this section of works, being to select a favoured contractor to deliver the scheme (once return tenders are appraised, evaluated and refined as required). The delivery of all our projects via BIM techno-logies aids this stage of the design ensuring accuracy and widespead savings (time, cost, materials etc).

Site Construction Works
Brass Architecture are keen to deliver all our designed projects on site and offer a range of services (for site construction phase of works) for client consideration.
This includes a watching brief (from afar), intermediate representation (fortnightly meetings and appraisals) and full instruction to oversee the delivery of a given project (weekly).
The level of representation will be discussed and agreed with a client at the relevant juncture.
Such works include site monitoring; reporting on the progress of a given project, site meetings and wider tasks such as subcontractor design surgeries and development of bespoke packages on behalf of a client.
Each project is unique and we set out all options for clarity and ease of instruction.
Many of our clients favour Brass' as a point of contact (distancing themselves from the day-to-day delivery). Other clients wish to be actively involved during the site construction phase of works. We identify preferred representation and map out deliverables for the client, the contractor and the design team.
The delivery of a project on-site is unique (project-by-project) and we are on hand to assist a client to ensure the deliver of a project is as pain free as possible. We continually review associative costs, resourcing and deliverables on a month-by-month basis during the construction phase.

Project Completion
At the latter end of a project (practical completion), there are typically a range of tasks required to sign off
and handover the project between builder/ contractor and end client. Often referred to as the 'handover'
of a project, our team are in place to represent the best interests of the end client.
Brass Architecture's team ensure this 'final' stage concludes seamlessly; evaluating the finalised install works for agreed sign off and managing the expectations of the client upon possession of the project.
This latter phase often includes finalised interior design matters, 'snagging', and testing of given infrastructure. The key, to aesthetically tie together a given scheme with all installs tested and verified
as required.
Our developed BIM 3D modelling allows for review of finalised installs against the agreed contract
instruction (contract particulars), review of project cost plans, and identify an agreed time period for a
given contractor to return to site and remedy any issues (if and when required) - coined as the 'defects
We always look forward to the handing over of the site to the end client and reviewing their experiences post completion as a key learning outcome for future/ similar works. All being well, all parties toast the handover
of a scheme (not always the case, but we have encountered many instances where the involved parties conclude the project works and become friends thereafter).

In Use
Once a client has possession of the site (post completion), we keep in touch to ensure all is well, that the works are performing as planned and identify any matters that require recourse.
The agreed defects period ensures the contractor returns to site to address any matters, as agreed.
Many new projects will incur teething issues such as residual movement etc and that is normal.
We are on hand to answer any such queries post occupation.
We often meet with a client (post completion) in due course and identify key matters.
We manage all parties' expectations (once possession is concluded) to ensure the most successful
handover of a project possible.
We timetable future dates to meet, catch up and discuss recourse matters, if applicable.
We keep abreast of how our designs have and continue to impact our clients lives.
Many historic clients are kind enough to provide references and open up their homes/ projects for
potential new clientele to observe. Where applicable, we commission photography of our work for
PR purposes (upon agreement).

Conclusion _ Homeowner Clients
Each project is unique and is not stringently wedded to the above outlined deliverables/ work stages.
It does however, provide an understanding of the general workflows from inception to handover.
Most homeowner residential projects however, DO FOLLOW the above timelines; with each project
milestone aligned with the RIBA Royal Institute of British Architects' Plan of Work Stages (2013).
We include the above timeline - to allow any new potential client(s) to understand the broad stages
of a given project.
For information relating to working with an architect - we advocate utilising RIBA guide found at: www.architecture.com/knowledge-and-resources/resources-landing-page/how-do-i-use-an-architect
Any queries, relating to employing the services of an architect and project work flows - we are more
than happy to assist.

Conclusion _ Non Homeowner Clients
We have tailored (bespoke) delivery channels for the completion of non homeowner client projects.
Works such as commercial sector projects, developer-led schemes and master planning designs, among others.
We implore such clients (developer led clients) to get in touch and learn about the alternative offering.
Faster, cheaper with greater returns? How?
A new (revised) core design team X appointment of trusted partners X technological revolution (BIM+) =
A varied representation model.
Whatever the commission, we pride ourselves on delivering faster, smarter and more economical channels to execute a given project. Importantly, not a the expense of accuracy, quality or delight.
We undertake works on behalf of leading developers nationwide (and further afield) with each project unique.
The desired exit strategy of a given project at the forefront of our services from conception to completion.
Any queries or questions, please do reach out to us to discuss.

Our Friends
We have a wide range of clients working across all industry sectors.
Our team are trusted to deliver 'any project type' and do not shy away from taking on 'difficult briefs'.
We collaborate closely with a diverse group of people ranging from master craftsmen and artists to academics.
A selection of clients, collaborators and partners showcased below (among many others).
The diversity of our backgrounds and partnerships allows us to offer a unique, dedicated service delivered on time and on budget!

- Pre-Acquisition Appraisals
- Project Strategy
- Site Specific Appraisals
- Management
- Planning Strategy
- A Framework of Consultees
- Building the Design Team
- Cost Appraisals
- Exit Strategies
... Among Others
- Feasibility
- Design Deliverables
- Planning Submittals
- Cost Planning
- Artwork
- User Experience
- Community Engagement & Management
- Marketing
- AI
... Among Others
- Technical Delivery
- Programming
- Tender Services
- Contractor Frameworks
- Site Management
- Interior Design
- AV
- Procurement Channels
- In Use Analysis
... Among Others