Midas House. Office Building Change of Use.
What did we do?
Substantial Air Space Development!
Re-Imagining unloved assets for alternate uses.
Our portfolio of existing buildings (former office buildings, warehouses, tiring post war architectural assets) continues to grow. Air Space opportunities is a key consideration on such projects.
The site of Midas House is in the centre of Orpington, Kent in close proximity to the key transport hub and town centre high street.
The existing building has a number of vast office floor plates, and our proposals seek to rejuvenate the building returning impressive residential returns plus ground floor SME business opportunities.
- Strategy
- Stakeholder Management
- Feasibility
- Design Development
- Pre-Application Submittals
- Planning Documentation
- Planning Submittals
- Associative Artwork
- Framework of Consultants

Our client, looking to uplift the site whilst adding new residential units trusted our team to develop as required.
The final returns include the addition of 48 no. new residential units including 4 no. super prime upper penthouse units with views towards the centre and beyond.
The residential returns at the site are varied in size and the return key unit numbers (48 no.) concur with LPA housing targets. Substantial parking to suit is offered at basement level.
The scheme again proves that our approach is successful and a ‘challenging brief’ is achievable - in the correct hands.

Related Project

Bouverie Lodge. Air Space Development.
Bromley, London, UK
Substantial Air Space Development.
The remodel of a post-war building asset.
This site in Beckenham, Bromley is in close proximity to the key transport hub, affording fast and direct access to Central London.
Our proposals; rejuvenate the existing building plot with upper level extensions, resulting in added units alongside a full makeover of the application site!